This area is filled with much progress! We're constantly
running from one place to another, and it's so hard to fill our schedule
because it's already super packed as it is. I honestly love it! unfortunately,
we haven't been able to contact all the people we've wanted to just yet, but
that's okay because we're making time for it (:
There's been 7 families that have impacted me a ton this
last week, and this last week made me grow even more love for the work. I won't
have time to write about all, but this week was amazing. I honestly didn't
think I could possibly love missionary work more than I already do. i still
remember my first few transfers out and constantly hear my companion tell me
about how much she loves the work and being a missionary. I thought she was
crazy because I felt so stressed, worn out, and super out of my comfort zone. I
never thought I'd be able to say the same thing she had. Little did I know that
the reason I didn't feel that was simply because my heart and mind weren't
in the right place. I simply hadn't given my will to the Lord's, and that was
my biggest mistake. Luckily, "there's an Atonement for that"! (My
favorite phrase, that I overuse) I have felt an immense love for missionary
work and in fulfilling my purpose.
Whenever something gets tough, I'll live in that moment for
a bit, wipe myself off, get up, and repeat my favorite phrase that Hna
Walton would say, "Let's get to work!" There really isn't anything
greater that I could do at this point in my life.
Okay. I'll start off with Sunshine. She became our new
investigator Tuesday. She had met with missionaries before and was listening to
them a bit beforehand, but never really made anything of it. She poured herself
out to us, and we addressed her needs. Honestly, everyone's needs can be met
through the Atonement of Christ. The only thing is that we need to help people
realize the "HOW" part. That's our purpose. To support these people
and help them realize how the Atonement of Christ heals and strengthens. We
talked to her about the Plan of Salvation and how she'll be able to recognize
God's purpose for her. She accepted to be baptized and we're going to put her
on date tomorrow at our lesson.
We received a phone call from the Elders in our branch and
asked us to accompany them to a lady's house. They received a call from her
mother in law telling them that her daughter in law just has a miscarriage and
asked if they could give her a blessing. her husband was out of town. We went
with them, and when we went inside, we noticed how everything was falling apart
in that home. The elders gave her a blessing, and we shared a message with her
about the Atonement. I turned to her and asked her if we could do her dishes.
We spent the morning completely tidying her house up. We all used our cleaning
skills as we let her take a rest. She had 5 little kids she needed to take care
of, so we wanted to ease her burdens a bit. We enjoyed helping her, and it was
a blessing for us to do something that we knew would help her a bit especially
as she was going through this trial. She wrote us a letter telling us how we
came at the exact moment she needed that and how she gained a greater testimony
of the Lord's love. It touched our hearts. We had done exactly what she needed.
The letter was so touching.
We had a lesson with the Evaristo family on the P.O.S. It
was such a great lesson, and the Spirit was strong. We're going to continue
meeting with them and getting them fellowshipped (:
Leo, leoniel, and Coralia. they are incredible. They're a family from Cuba who WANT to be baptized. There's just a few issues that need to get fixed in Cuba with a previous marriage. That's the only thing holding them back. Due to certain circumstances, they have to live together. It's a long story. I have honestly never met a family as humble as them! They aren't doing so well financially and they are just so humbled! They just got a little apt and gave us a tour of their puny apartment. They were so happy the whole time, and seeing their circumstances and how they literally have nothing really humbled me down more. It was so cute. We had a lesson sitting on their rug and the spirit was so strong. Although they aren't members, they paid their tithing yesterday! They have seen the fruits of the gospel and are so converted (: I love them so much! They've taught me a lot!
All of these things lead up to one. The Atonement. I am so
grateful for it!
Hermana Robles
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