I can go on a huge rant about how quick time has been
flying. Since when was it the end of March?? SINCE WHEN WAS IT EVEN MARCH?! I
thought we were still in November.. Too weird!
So, i guess you might wanna know about how my week went.
Well, I'll tell ya that it was full of pure opposition. I'm not really sure how
we survived it. Well, actually, we did through Christ and his Atonement. We
were literally filled with trials ALL week. It was awful. It was tough, but it
was a great learning experience, because life isn't really filled with rainbows
and butterflies. Satan will always attack us. Especially when we are doing the
right things! So funny that after our mission decided to up our goals, work
efforts, and STRICT obedience (Our mission eliminated somethings that would get
in the way of us not feeling the Spirit), that Satan would totally rage. Our
zone got together with President & Sister Mullen and talked about this past
week and the blessings and experiences we gained through following our mission
goal. All these companionships were listing blessings and miracles they'd seen,
and my comp and i looked at each other in distress because we were just getting
pulled down. We shared our experience and what Pres. said to us really touched
us. He told us that through our obedience and hard work, all the companionships
in our zone were able to experience these miracles. Most of those miracles came
from referrals we had given them and through the outcome of the situations we
had faced. It made us look at things differently, and it was so touching. The
love we got from both our zone, and Pres and Sister Mullen was incredible this
last week. We felt heavenly father's love so strong. It was a great learning
experience, and although we faced so many things that brought the work down in
our area, our numbers increased so much! It was incredible! I can tell you one
thing. Satan sure didn't stop us from working ourselves off. I've never been so
physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted in my life. Luckily, I have the
greatest companion by my side to motivate me, and help me work through it.
Alongside with that, we have the greatest members ever who have shown us so
much love! (:
We honestly haven't been seeing much progress in our area,
and we were both thinking of just starting completely over with new people and
ideas, but as we thought about that on our drive to the last house we were
going to try last night, I felt the Spirit prompt me so strongly to pull the
car over and talk to a man out by the street. I ignored that prompting because
well, I'm still learning to listen to the Spirit, and cause I just wanted to
try out this last house before we had to go in for curfew. I felt the Spirit nudge
me again, so I turned the car around and spoke to this man. The first thing I
asked this man was if he knew of any Latinos in the area. He told us he was!
That he was from Columbia. His name was Ruben, and honestly, Ruben didn't look
Latino whatsoever. He expressed that he had lost some of his Spanish and is
trying to pick it back up. We told him that we were missionaries and our
purpose and asked if he'd seen them around. he expressed that he had met with
them before, and I honestly felt a little doubtful because the past people who
have told us that told us that they weren't interested. Ruben asked me about my
background and we told them we were from Utah. He expressed that he had gone
there last Spring for General Conference, and what he said next blew me away.
He told us that he knows that everything the speakers said were true and that
their messages answered some of his questions. We testified of the Priesthood
and that we have a living day prophet this day and that Christ's true church
has been restored to the world. He was super intrigued, and to be honest, I
cannot remember any of the things that came out of my mouth, and I know with
all my heart that each thing i said to him came from the Spirit. Everything i
said led to a need of his and intrigued/ touched him. We asked him if he was
ever baptized before, and he said yes. I honestly thought that he was a Less
Active, and we found out that he was baptized into the Catholic church. The
next thing he said blew me away! "You know hermana, I've been baptized,
but I just feel an emptiness in my soul, and I've been thinking about getting
baptized again, but I just don't really know where.." MUSIC TO OUR EARS!
We invited him to be baptized if he found out what we taught him was true. That
he could have and find that Spiritual nourishment he's looking for in his life
through meeting with us. He said yes. What determined it all for us was what we
asked him next. He had expressed that he's struggling with Spanish, and is
picking it back up and understands it, so we were considering on passing him
off to the Elders in that area. We asked him what he'd prefer to attend: and
English or Spanish congregation. He replied, "Spanish!" and it became
official. We left him with a Book of Mormon, set up a time to meet, and with a
prayer. He became our new "golden" investigator. It was the greatest
"drive by" lesson I've ever had! Hermana Whipperman and I were super
blown away by what had just happened!! We screamed with joy! We KNOW that this
was the miracle God had in store for us after a week full of burdens.
Sure our burdens weren't taken completely away and scars
were left, but like Alma and his people, the Lord knew the thoughts and intents
of their hearts as they prayed to him while in bondage form Amulon and his people,
and he made their burdens lighter and so they had the strength to overcome
them. (Mosiah 24:13-15) Crazy, how we had been teaching that lesson to people
this past week too. God made our weaknesses become strong, and I learned a huge
lesson this week- to always stick right by the Lord's side especially when
we're facing something tough.
I love my heavenly father, and Savior Jesus Christ so much.
They are my rock, and my salvation. I couldn't face life or this mission
without them.
I am so blessed for Christ's atonement, and I am so excited
to be celebrating Easter soon. With that, the church has a new initiative. It's
the Because He Lives initiative. Just like He is the Gift, we have a video
coming out this upcoming Saturday (the 28th) . YOu can go on helives.mormon.org and access the video,
adn SHARE it with EVERYONE. Everyone deserves to know the infinite power of the
Atonement, and how it heals and strengthens lives. I am so grateful for the
knowledge I have of it and how I've seen it impact my own life. I love the
gospel, and I and so grateful to be a missionary. I love it with all my heart.
I love my Savior with all my heart. I KNOW He lives for all of us. So we can
have peace, strength, and comfort in our lives.
I hope you all can feel it too. If not, I invite you to seek
how you can.
I love you all, and hope you have a great week. Also, Feliz
Cumpleanos Mami (En Miercoles) Te amo muchisimo, y con todo mi corazon. Eres lo
maximo! <3
My fav line for the week: (Talking about Johnny Lingo and
Mahala's hair) Me:" So is my hair worth 8 cows?" Elder: "No,
It's worth 10 cows!" I don't know why my hair is fascinating to the
missionaries in this mission.. Oh well (: