So much has gone on this past week, that I don't know if
I'll even be able to type all of it!
I'll just start off, and my email probably won't be well structured.
So last P-day we decided to do what? Shopping! Yeah, I know.
It was relieving. So as we're walking, this man stops us and asked us if we had
food or money to spare him. We told him we didn't and that we were so sorry
about it. We found out his name was Scott. Poor homeless Scott. He asked us to
pray for him so we did and we talked a bit about the gospel. He told us he was
so grateful for Christians who share messages about Christ with the world, and
ran off. I felt SO bad. Extremely bad, so I told Hna. Whipperman that we needed
to do something for him. I always have crazy ideas come into my mind, so before
I knew it, we were in line with a loaf of bread, and I found myself paying for
it. We ran EVERYWHERE looking for Scott. We even got in the car and drove
around for half an hour in hopes of finding him, pero nada. I felt so much
regret for not asking him to wait. Even though we spent a ton of our P-day
looking for Scott, we realized how much it filled us. Sometimes it is that
thought that counts, but how I wish we had found him!
We had exchanges this last week, and I had Hna. Booth (Hna
Boman's verdecita) with me in my area. We had a great exchange. Volunteered at
the food bank and everything. I had this feeling that we needed to try this
potential. So we went and knocked on her door. A man walked up to us and told
us that no one was home, and that he lived there. We spoke to him anyway. As
we're speaking to this man, I saw a girl about 11 years old walking and
struggling with carrying a heavy bag. We stopped, and asked her if she needed
help. She told us she didn't, so we kept talking to the man. After talking to
him and inviting him to a branch activity we had that upcoming weekend, the
little girl came up to us and asked for our help. She was trying to get that
big black bag into the trash. I tried to carry it, but the bag was too heavy
for my own little self to carry it. I out the bag down and asked her what was
in it. She looked at me, smiled and said, "poop". I jumped back and asked,
"WHAT KIND OF POOP IS THIS?!" (Hna. Walton and I had a horrible
experience with offering service and having to clean human poop once) She told
us it was stored cat poop. Sister Booth and I were dying of laughter. It was
hilarious. I tried to swing the bag of poop into the dumpster, then in the
midst of it being thrown, the bag ripped and it all fell out. We screamed. We
just looked at it, and I randomly pulled out the B.o.M and talked to her about
the gospel. Long story short, I asked her if her fam. would be interested in
hearing more about our message. She asked us if we wanted to meet her aunt. We
went in and met her. We just found out she had several deaths in the family and
how she just had another funeral for her sister. The poor woman. We realized,
"Plan of Salvation!". We taught her about it, prayed, and testified.
She was super interested, and asked us to return. We invited her to be
baptized, and she said if she knew this was all true. Since they aren't
Latinos, we have to pass them on, but as we left, the little girl came up to
me, gave me a HUGE hug and asked me to come back soon. It was so darn cute. We
then saw her and her aunt attempt to clean up the poop. Who knows, a baptism
could occur thanks to cat litter.
Valentine's Day! So that day, we decided to "heart
attack" Our members and investigators. We made cookies and cut out heart
shaped paper and tape them to the doors writing down what we love about them.
We did it for 3 members. It was so great to watch their reactions after we did
it, and doorbell ditched them. Their reactions filled our hearts. They deserve
to feel loved (:
That day, we also drove around, and I told Hna. Whipperman
to roll down her window and scream "Jesus loves you" to pedestrians.
Hahaha she totally did it.
So, here's my BIG miracle for the week. There's this family
of formers. The Evaristo's. They're Catholic by culture, but don't really
"live it". They have this issue with not liking new missionaries, and
we somehow changed that for them. They told us that they told the previous
missionaries that after they left, they weren't accepting new ones into their
home. We won them over (: We had originally planned to teach them the into to
the bom, but as soon as we did what we call "How to Begin Teaching",
we discerned their need! We applied doctrine to their need. Bro Evaristo had
expressed how he felt a few weeks ago that he needs to lead his family to a
correct path. So that they can have eternal salvation. He asked so many
questions about life and what would happen to us after this life and on the
purpose of life itself. I don't know what happened to me, but I was able to
follow the Spirit and give him the exact answers he needed. he turned to me and
said, " Hermana Robles, out of all the missionaries who I've asked these questions
to, you were the first who was able to answer them, and I do not doubt a single
thing you said." Holy cow. The Spirit was soooo strong. We had a great
conversation of the Plan of Salvation, and they begged us to return. They
also invited us to their daughter's Quinceañera, so that's how we knew we were
in (: I testified to them that this and eternal life is something they can
have. That their family can be together for eternity. They loved it. They even
cried. The Lord led us to a family who is ready, and they know they're ready.
Such a miracle. I know that the Lord indicated that I'm doing my job and am
worthy of this miracle due to that experience. We have an appt. set with them
Thursday, and we're stoked.
I'll leave you off with my favorite quote for the week. This
one comes from one of the conversations I had with one of the Marshallese
Elders in my District. Yo: Elder Jally..Like "Jally Rancher"? E.
Jally: "Sister Robles.. Like, you need to get a robe, 'cause you're