Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Rejection and Miracles

Mon 11/10/2014 12:21 PM


I hope this week was good for everyone.

I just want everyone to know that I love each of you so much.

It's crazy how sometimes we tend to take those we love and the time we have with them for granted.

My heart breaks and yearns for the families and friends of my 2 ex-coworkers who passed away. I cannot believe their lives were cut so short, and they were both really great girls. I appreciate the time I had to get to know them, work with, and develop friendships with them. It was such a blessing, and they both touched my life for the better. I cannot believe I won't get to see them, but I know I will get to another day. The gospel brings a lot of peace into my life.


We've had several.. Actually a lot of rejection this past week, but some amazing miracles.

i'll start with the first great one..
DANIEL IS ON DATE FOR DECEMBER 13TH! When we first started meeting with his girlfriend Kristina, he would always tell her that he never wanted to listen to us, and that we better not ever bring up baptism to him because he'd immediately say no and not have to think twice about it. We were warned at first, and still invited him to be since the Spirit prompted us to. He said he'd have to think about it. Everything is just clicking to Daniel, and he's really felt the Spirit and knows that this church and gospel is so true. He just can't deny it. We had a lesson at Dru and Ashleigh Lopez's this past Tuesday about the Intro to the BOM, and the Spirit was so strong. Daniel and Kristina told us that they've both been reading together each day, and we felt prompted to put him on date. We invited him to be baptized Dec. 13th, and he said yes. He wants it so bad. He knows that is the first step to a better life. He wants the best life for his kids, and knows it's through the gospel. He is so elect! There's nothing stopping him at this point!


The following day, we had a church tour with them. They brought Daniel's cute kids along. As soon as we stepped into the chapel and had a moment of silence, we all felt the Spirit so strong. It was exactly what I needed that day too. We all looked over at the kids, and saw Daniel's little 4 year old boy praying. He had never taught his kids how to pray, and to see him doing that on his own filled his eyes with tears, and heart with love. It was an incredible experience. At the end of the church tour, we talked a little bit more about the special covenant or promise he will be making which is by being baptized. We invited him to pray, and he did. he never liked to pray out loud and he did that time. The prayer was so strong, and we all felt the Spirit. It's things like those that mean so much to me, and remind me how much I am helping people out. I've always wanted to help others, and I know this is the correct way to do so. Being a missionary is so great. We get front row seats to experience the greatest miracles.


Brother Lacasse always gives us words of wisdom. This past week, he told us that we must never believe anyone's words until actions own up to them. It's true, and it's what I've seen on the field. Some people commit to the invitations we give them, and some don't. Daniel has been progressing so much, and same with Jose de Jesus. They're finally understanding the gist of everything. We're so happy for them. They've been to church 7 times already! They own up to their words.

Here's another cool miracle. We usually text info about church out each Sunday to all our investigators. We had recently met a lady who became our new investigator. We included her in our mass text, and she came to church yesterday! We were surprised and so happy! Usually no one takes our invitation and comes to church, but she did! We were so happy! Usually we have to remind people constantly about these kinds of things, but not her! She's great!


We had sooooooooo many rejections this past weekend. The whole morning was filled with them, and we had some mean comments said to us, but it's okay (: What made up for it was the fact that our last few hours of the day, we ended up getting 4 new investigators! It was so amazing! We're so content! We've seen these blessings come to us from our obedience in following the riles, and our hard work! We're striving to be the best missionaries, and we're watching it all pay off (:

I'm so grateful for the privilege to be a missionary! There's nothing greater than to be a disciple of Christ. Hope everyone has a great week!
Con amor,

Hermana Robles 

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