Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Feliz Halloween!

Mon 11/3/2014 2:41 PM

This week FLEW!

I can't believe next month will be December! It blows my mind! 

So we had transfer calls last night. Sister Walton and I will be staying together another transfer! We're so content! This will be our 4th transfer together, and we have a feeling big things will be happening. This transfer will be super good.


This week was great. Let's be real. Each week on the field is great. 

Daniel, Kristina and Jose de Jesus were at church. It made us so happy. They're slowly but surely progressing. 


We had a lesson at Daniel and Kristina's with Dru Lopez and his cute boy Maddox came to the lesson. We had learned in Gospel principles in church the previous Sunday about the Priesthood. Daniel got to see the power of the Priesthood work for the first time in his life that day. he was feeling super duper sick, so we called the Elders over and had them and Dru give him a blessing for his health. As they were about to give him the blessing, Daniel got scared. He thought we were doing a cult or baptizing him when the men put their hands over his head and putting the consecrated oil over his head. He was mortified. Poor guy. We explained what was going on and that we wouldn't lure him to do anything he didn't want to. The Spirit was so strong as the blessing continued. He's feeling the love of God in his life more. It's amazing. He actually found out that he has an LDS uncle, so he thought it was super cool.


We've been having to drop some of our investigators. It was so sad. Many of them told us they aren't interested. 



Sorry. I'm out of time. I have to go, but Have a great week!

Mucho amor,

Hermana Robles

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