Monday, November 24, 2014

Gratitud.(En Espanol)

Mon 11/24/2014 12:58 PM

It snowed in good ol' WASPO this week! *Thumbs down* 

Broke my heart to see all the snow. Sister Johnson and I cried about it. 


I was sick all week, and my coughing kept our apt up, so that was fun! Luckily, I have the greatest roommates evaaaa', so they all took good care of me. (Yes mom, I made sure to keep my neck covered whenever I went out).



Thanksgiving is this week, so I'll try to do my email in a little gratitude list.

First of all, I'm grateful for each one of you! 

I'm grateful for this gospel and the love it brings into my life. 

I'm grateful that I'm a missionary! I love it so much, and it's the greatest thing I could be doing with my life right now.

I'm grateful for the opportunity I had this week to teach a Muslim family while I was on exchanges. They were recepptive to the Restoration message, and we were the first "Christians" they've encountered yet in 'Merica. It was awesome.
I'm grateful that Jose de Jesus is on date for Dec 13th. He likes to refer to baptism as to, "taking a dip". Jose wants to "take a dip" in the Spokane River. He's a wild one. The day we put him on date, we took them on a church tour, and as we took a moment of silence in the chapel, the air conditioning went off and it alarmed him. He exclaimed, " IT'S THE SPIRIT" .Whatever works for him (: He brings it up to everyone he talks to. His phone went off the other day, and he said the same thing. We have some work to do... He's sooo hilarious though. We have a blast with him.


This week, we've been sharing D&C 78:19 with our members and the importance of being grateful for all of our circumstances and the little things we have in life. I invite each of you to ponder, and jot down a list of 100 things you're grateful for before Thanksgiving. Whether it be as a family, or individually. I promise you'll realize how truly blessed each of you are. Some of us aren't blessed enough to simply have clothing or food. 

Also, we'll be sharing this awesome video with others this upcoming Christmas season. The website will be up maƱana, It's The video is called " He Is the Gift" .He, as in Christ. He truly is the greatest gift we all have. Ponder on that these upcoming holidaays, and on what that means to you. I know that it means EVERYTHING to me. Think about the true meaning of the holidays, and not on the material things such as stuffing your face 'til you get a food coma, or being bundled up in buying gifts. Instead, list your blessings, and remember what Christ did for us.

 Yes mom, I'll be getting fed for Thanksgiving. We'll be with the Mortenson's, and the Conant's later on. I'll be taken care of.
I hope everyone has un Feliz dia de accion de gracias! Les quiero mucho!!
Con amor,


Hermana Robles


Frozen, yet blessed.

Mon 11/17/2014 12:14 PM

Pues, this past week was freezing. I came to realize that if I can conquer this weather, I can conquer just about anything in this world. I wonder how the pioneer women did it.. I did gain a new best friend this past week though.. Fleece tights. Those beauties are life savers. 

The cold here in Spokane is different than in Utah. It's humid compared to Utah. I figured that if I could handle the Winter back home, I could here. I thought wrong.

Poor Hermana Walton and I came down with some sort of cold this past weekend, so that's no fun, but it's not stopping us from working!

This past week was actually pretty tough for both my companion and I. My testimony of the Priesthood grew even more. The Elders in zone gave us blessings, and it's amazing how much it helped. It reminded me of how mom would always tell me to make sure my home always has a worthy Priesthood holder. It's true, because I've seen the many blessings I've gained in my life from having one at home. The Priesthood is so powerful, and what keeps our families united with our father in heaven. I love that I've always been able to turn to dad when I needed a blessing.

Satan has really been trying to tear us down and the hard efforts we've been putting in. He's a sneaky badger. I love that my companionship is so strong. We're always helping each other out when the adversary is trying to tear us down. I'm so grateful for my companion, and the support she gives me. She's become a real sister to me, and I love her to pieces. I couldn't do this without her. I'm so sad that she's finishing her mission in Jan, but I've learned so much from her. She's such a diligent missionary, and I'm so grateful for the things she's taught me that have helped me mold into the missionary I now am. She helps me be bold, but not overbearing, and I help her with her Spanish (: It all works out.

So we set goals for ourselves each week. Pretty sure everyone just knows my huge desire to learn Portuguese. I've actually been learning! It's so cool! During our language study, I'll print out talks, and translate them. It's so great that I know Spanish, because Portuguese is so similar. I just have the worst accent when I try to speak it, so there's that. 

Another goal I set for myself is to not eat seconds. I came to realize that since I've been able to keep that goal, I can do just about whatever. Such as endure the freezing weather out here. The members in our branch are such GOOD cooks! It's so hard to not stuff myself with their food. However, the holidays are approaching, so I have to start training myself to watch for that stuff. What I'm getting with this is that I know my Heavenly Father has really been on the look out for me. i've turned to him and had faith that he will help me with problems or desires whether they be big or small. I know he cares and loves me so much, as I do to him. 


I received a letter each from grandpa and grandma this week. I learned so much I didn't know about them. I love that they exchanged their experiences and testimonies with me. Family History is where it's at. We've been putting a huge emphasis on it as a mission. It's amazing how much the gospel has blessed my family's life. I'm eternally grateful.

 I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week!

I can't believe I hit 5 months on a mission manana. WHERE IS TIME GOING? 
I'm so grateful for everyone's support, and I hope you all have a great semana! (:

Con amor,

Hermana Robles


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Rejection and Miracles

Mon 11/10/2014 12:21 PM


I hope this week was good for everyone.

I just want everyone to know that I love each of you so much.

It's crazy how sometimes we tend to take those we love and the time we have with them for granted.

My heart breaks and yearns for the families and friends of my 2 ex-coworkers who passed away. I cannot believe their lives were cut so short, and they were both really great girls. I appreciate the time I had to get to know them, work with, and develop friendships with them. It was such a blessing, and they both touched my life for the better. I cannot believe I won't get to see them, but I know I will get to another day. The gospel brings a lot of peace into my life.


We've had several.. Actually a lot of rejection this past week, but some amazing miracles.

i'll start with the first great one..
DANIEL IS ON DATE FOR DECEMBER 13TH! When we first started meeting with his girlfriend Kristina, he would always tell her that he never wanted to listen to us, and that we better not ever bring up baptism to him because he'd immediately say no and not have to think twice about it. We were warned at first, and still invited him to be since the Spirit prompted us to. He said he'd have to think about it. Everything is just clicking to Daniel, and he's really felt the Spirit and knows that this church and gospel is so true. He just can't deny it. We had a lesson at Dru and Ashleigh Lopez's this past Tuesday about the Intro to the BOM, and the Spirit was so strong. Daniel and Kristina told us that they've both been reading together each day, and we felt prompted to put him on date. We invited him to be baptized Dec. 13th, and he said yes. He wants it so bad. He knows that is the first step to a better life. He wants the best life for his kids, and knows it's through the gospel. He is so elect! There's nothing stopping him at this point!


The following day, we had a church tour with them. They brought Daniel's cute kids along. As soon as we stepped into the chapel and had a moment of silence, we all felt the Spirit so strong. It was exactly what I needed that day too. We all looked over at the kids, and saw Daniel's little 4 year old boy praying. He had never taught his kids how to pray, and to see him doing that on his own filled his eyes with tears, and heart with love. It was an incredible experience. At the end of the church tour, we talked a little bit more about the special covenant or promise he will be making which is by being baptized. We invited him to pray, and he did. he never liked to pray out loud and he did that time. The prayer was so strong, and we all felt the Spirit. It's things like those that mean so much to me, and remind me how much I am helping people out. I've always wanted to help others, and I know this is the correct way to do so. Being a missionary is so great. We get front row seats to experience the greatest miracles.


Brother Lacasse always gives us words of wisdom. This past week, he told us that we must never believe anyone's words until actions own up to them. It's true, and it's what I've seen on the field. Some people commit to the invitations we give them, and some don't. Daniel has been progressing so much, and same with Jose de Jesus. They're finally understanding the gist of everything. We're so happy for them. They've been to church 7 times already! They own up to their words.

Here's another cool miracle. We usually text info about church out each Sunday to all our investigators. We had recently met a lady who became our new investigator. We included her in our mass text, and she came to church yesterday! We were surprised and so happy! Usually no one takes our invitation and comes to church, but she did! We were so happy! Usually we have to remind people constantly about these kinds of things, but not her! She's great!


We had sooooooooo many rejections this past weekend. The whole morning was filled with them, and we had some mean comments said to us, but it's okay (: What made up for it was the fact that our last few hours of the day, we ended up getting 4 new investigators! It was so amazing! We're so content! We've seen these blessings come to us from our obedience in following the riles, and our hard work! We're striving to be the best missionaries, and we're watching it all pay off (:

I'm so grateful for the privilege to be a missionary! There's nothing greater than to be a disciple of Christ. Hope everyone has a great week!
Con amor,

Hermana Robles 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Feliz Halloween!

Mon 11/3/2014 2:41 PM

This week FLEW!

I can't believe next month will be December! It blows my mind! 

So we had transfer calls last night. Sister Walton and I will be staying together another transfer! We're so content! This will be our 4th transfer together, and we have a feeling big things will be happening. This transfer will be super good.


This week was great. Let's be real. Each week on the field is great. 

Daniel, Kristina and Jose de Jesus were at church. It made us so happy. They're slowly but surely progressing. 


We had a lesson at Daniel and Kristina's with Dru Lopez and his cute boy Maddox came to the lesson. We had learned in Gospel principles in church the previous Sunday about the Priesthood. Daniel got to see the power of the Priesthood work for the first time in his life that day. he was feeling super duper sick, so we called the Elders over and had them and Dru give him a blessing for his health. As they were about to give him the blessing, Daniel got scared. He thought we were doing a cult or baptizing him when the men put their hands over his head and putting the consecrated oil over his head. He was mortified. Poor guy. We explained what was going on and that we wouldn't lure him to do anything he didn't want to. The Spirit was so strong as the blessing continued. He's feeling the love of God in his life more. It's amazing. He actually found out that he has an LDS uncle, so he thought it was super cool.


We've been having to drop some of our investigators. It was so sad. Many of them told us they aren't interested. 



Sorry. I'm out of time. I have to go, but Have a great week!

Mucho amor,

Hermana Robles