Tuesday, July 29, 2014

"I Believe In Miracles...!" (Taken from Sister Robles' email Monday 7/28/2014)

Miracles are being thrown at me each day! I love it! The Lord must be a fan of me, as I am of Him, 'cause he's been blessing me with them!

So, I've been trying to convert myself. We must convert ourselves if we'll be doing so to others, right?

I studied about conversion a lot this week. I know. Me, studying? It's hilarious, but it's happening! I learned that conversion is a process, not an event. One becomes converted as a result of righteous efforts to follow the Savior. It's not just a change in our behavior, but also a change in our very nature. Powerful. I've slowly, but surely seen that in myself throughout my time here. I've seen myself become a little more like Christ as time passes. Sure I'm not perfect, but I'm trying to be more of an example of him. After all, I am representing him each and every day as I clip on my plaque. It's an honor, really.

I've seen this conversion in Jose. I know he's the main focus of my emails, but he's truly a miracle. I've never seen anyone so spiritually hungry, and want to draw as near to the Lord as he has. Here's where the miracle came into play. As many of us know, we pay 10% of our income towards tithing. Well, Jose has struggled a bit financially, and I expected him to be a little unsure about tithing like most new investigators are. We can all be stingy with out money. I know I used to be at some point. Hermana Walton and I prepared ourselves to hear him be hesitant towards it, but as we taught him, he stopped us and told us he understood. He understood that it's not about the money, but an act of our faith. It's helping build the Lord's kingdom, and that's what he truly wants to do. He understands it's a commandment, and that it'll help guide us towards the eternal presence of our Father, and that he's more than willing to do it. Well, my jaw dropped. It's difficult for him to understand what we teach due to lack of education, but he hit it out of the park! Not only that he understood, but his willingness. He is d.e.d.i.c.a.t.e.d. We taught him about the law of fast, and fast offerings, and guess what he did? 'Cause my jaw to drop AGAIN. Jose's the bomb! He's so ready for his baptism this upcoming Friday, and I'm so ready to eat the cake he's preparing! Not only that, but I'm ready to watch his life change for the better. I cannot wait to see him become "clean". He's so excited, as am I! He already told us he wants to do member lessons, and go out with the missionaries! I could repeat the fact that he's a miracle 'cause he truly is. Another amazing thing. Remember how I mentioned that he had to be moved out before his baptismal interview? He found a temporary place to move into until he finds somewhere permanent because he wants to be baptized, and sees the importance to follow the Lord's counsels. I could explode with happiness. I AM SO EXCITED FOR AUGUST 1ST!


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