Jose's baptism had been moved to August 1st. Crazy how
prayers work. Hermana Walton and I had to cram in 2 lessons a day every day
until the 26th. We felt like it was so overwhelming, and Hermana Walton had the
impression that we should push it a week back. I felt set with keeping it on
the 26th, but I decided to ponder on it, and told her I'd give her my answer
the next day. i did what any regular missionary would do. Get on my knees and
pray. So i prayed for guidance, and to know if we should push Jose's baptism
back or not. The following morning, we did personal studying for an hour. As
the hour drew to the end, I flipped open to a random scripture in D & C. I
got to chapter 9, verse 8-9 which explained it if something is correct, I'll
feel something strong within me. I'll feel right and really good about it. If
it isn't the correct decision, I wouldn't feel it. Well, guess what I felt..
Nothing. I didn't feel that baptizing him on the 26th was the right answer, and
I immediately knew that it had to be moved. Later that day, we found out that
in order for him to be baptized, he had to live the Law of Chastity, but here's
what we didn't know. Included in that, two people of the opposite sex couldn't
live together if they weren't either family or wedded. He's currently living
with his friend and his friend's mom. We realized he'd have no time to find a
new place by the 26th. We didn't know how he'd even take it.
Jose is our miracle. He has said "yes"
to every invitation we've given him. He's never said "no" to a single
thing. He wants to draw closer to God, and he received an answer through prayer
that this is the true and restored gospel. When someone realizes the
truthfulness of it, they want to follow it and give themselves to it. It's what
he's done. The night we had a lesson with him and explained to him that he'd
have to move out, he immediately said he'd do it. He doesn't care that it's
short notice and that we're pushing his baptismal date back. He knows that with
God's help, and putting him first, he'll help him. Jose's conversion and
testimony is helping mine grow. I've never seen anyone so spiritually hungry
for the gospel and for the Savior's love. He's willing to do whatever it takes
to have exaltation and for his relationship with him grow. He's our miracle
investigator. He constantly calls Hermana Walton and I "angels sent from
God". He told us he wants his 3 year old daughter to be missionaries and
be just like us. Greatest compliment I could possibly receive. He's just so
receptive, and LOVES church. I've never met anyone who loves church so much.
It's great! I love church! Also, he told us he's baking a cake, and bringing it
to the baptism.
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