Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Let It Snow.

Mon 11/30/2015 4:39 PM

We had a great past week.
Great Thanksgiving !!!

We went to 3 different dinner appointments, and we were super stuffed. 


We fed the homeless, and it was rewarding. I got to use my "creative skills" and help with decorations and what not, so I enjoyed that.

We were with the Gowers, Wibergs, and Byers families. They're the best.

I felt so gross, and I didn't even eat that much! 

So much for "2 weeks to slim", right? 

I totally think going home around the holiday season is the worst time to lose weight.


Before I forget, 

We'll be going to the temple next Wednesday, so my P-day will be next Wednesday. But if you don't hear from me at all anymore, meh. You'll see me in 2 weeks anyway, so.. (;


I think President Dymock might be more excited about me going home and "starting my life" or something because when I spoke to him last week, the first thing he said was, "3 more weeks, but who's counting?" He cracks me up so much! He's such a great mission President. He's been preparing me a ton for the new transition, so I owe him so much for it. Today's his birthday, so yeah. We threw him a little surprise party this last Saturday, and we sang for him as a zone. It was so adorable.


My email will be awfully structured, so I apologize in advance.


So James is totally baptized! 

I'm super stoked and content for him!

He's so content. It's weird, because the day of his baptism, I felt this strong impression where I needed to text him a few scriptures, so I did, and he told me it was exactly what he needed in that moment because he was having such a hard day. Possibly the hardest day of his journey in investigating the church and becoming a member.

I explained to him that Satan was going to rage so hard on him and get him to second guess everything especially because he was doing something so correct and something that would fulfil his life forever and bring him so much happiness! It was cool to be able to follow the Spirit and tell him what he needed at that precise moment.

Sister Ellis got to attend his baptism, so she told me it was PACKED. Super exciting. It's so awesome that he's finally a member of the church!

We got 6 new investigators this last week, which is exciting. 

 This upcoming week will be rather busy, and same with the next upcoming weeks. It's going to go by so fast ): 

Sister Brown and I are singing at the Stake Christmas concert on the 12th. My voice is going to kill everyone's ears, so I'm stoked about that.


I have my last MLC meeting tomorrow, so I'm pretty bummed about that.

 We've been jamming to It Came Upon A Midnight Clear by Josh Groban all week. I literally have it on replay, because I can, and I love it. It's also the song we're performing.

 Well, that's all I really have for you this week. Sorry.

Can't believe it's already December! 

Love you all! Nos vemos super pronto!

Con amor,


Hermana Robles 





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