Monday, December 14, 2015

He Peleado la Buena Batalla He terminado la carrera , He guardado la Fe!

Mon 12/14/2015 3:55 PM

Este es mi último E-MAIL y DIA de PREPARACION ( P-DAY).
Esto no puede estar pasando, no es real, en absoluto.

He estado tan engreída o consentida por nuestros miembros la semana pasada y me temo que que va a ser, básicamente lo mismo el resto, de esta última semana.
Mi horario de los próximos 3 días?

Viaje de trabajo con el Presidente y la hermana Dymock al norte de Spokane para un entrenamiento especializado, ya que no estaré, en el que ellos están haciendo en mi zona.
Tenemos entonces, literalmente, citas cada media hora desde 5-7 pm. Estoy tan feliz por eso. Mi última entrevista o “entrevista de salida” está incluida ese día.
Miércoles: más citas, y estoy muy emocionada de poder simplemente enseñar el evangelio. Tenemos una cita para cenar y cantar villancicos.
Jueves: Mi última sesión de planificación semanal de la misión, debo pesar mi equipaje, y luego me dejarán en la casa de la misión tan pronto como sea 17:00 Hrs.

¿El resto? No sé, pero… Yo sé que estaré en el aeropuerto de Spokane tan pronto como salga el sol temprano el  viernes. Entonces los veré cerca del mediodía 12:PM y algo… tiempo de Utah.

Bueno, suena tan raro…
Es suficiente por ahora…

Ayer dí mi último discurso en la reunión sacramental de la Rama. Me sentí muy bien. Casi se me olvida que he heredado la capacidad de hablar en público sin que mis mejillas se pongan demasiado rojas.

Me encanta la Rama 4 tanto! Jugaron un papel tan importante en mi misión, y han ayudado a identificar cómo quiero que mi futura familia sea debido a sus ejemplos. Ellos tienen un lugar especial en mi corazón. Al igual que todas mis áreas.

Bueno, ha sido un amor de misión!
La alegría más grande y la mejor decisión que he tomado en mi vida hasta el momento. Realmente no hay nada como dedicar todo su tiempo, corazón, alma y mente al Señor durante 18 meses.

He llegado a amar a la gente de Spokane y literalmente todo acerca de este lugar!
Al igual que era tan raro en el principio mirando hacia fuera y ver los árboles de hojas perennes y sin montañas rocosas, ahora va a ser raro tener que ver todo lo opuesto.

Sé que todas las decisiones que he tomado aquí y todo lo que he soportado durante este tiempo va a ayudar a dar forma no sólo mi futuro, pero el futuro de mi futura familia.
Sólo por servir al Señor y dedicar todo de mí a él, él realmente me ha bendecido enretribución.

En palabras de Pablo registradas en 2 Timoteo 4:
2: Predica la palabra; persiste en hacerlo, sea o no sea oportuno; corrige, reprende, exhorta con toda paciencia y doctrina.
5 Pero tú sé sobrio en todo, soporta las aflicciones, haz obra de evangelista, cumple tu ministerio.
6: Porque yo estoy para ser sacrificado, y el tiempo de mi partida está cercano.
7: He peleado la buena batalla, he acabado la carrera, he guardado la fe.
17: No obstante, el Señor estuvo a mi lado, y me dio fuerzas; que por la predicación fuese cumplida a conocer y que todos los gentiles oyesen; y fui librado de la boca del león ".

La carrera del discipulado es una maratón que se siente como un viaje, y estoy muy emocionada de continuar en ese camino del discipulado. Aunque mi maratón de 18 meses ha llegado a su fin, Sin embargo estoy tan feliz de continuar la maratón que va a durar una eternidad. Estoy tan feliz de que la obra misional es una cosa eterna! Sabía que esta felicidad duraría para siempre!

Estoy tan honrada de decir que he soportado bien. He ayudado a otras personas a venir a Cristo y permitirle así a El moldear ellos. Me han refinado, y el testimonio de este evangelio transmitido, es cierto  y la divinidad de Dios el Padre y su hijo Jesucristo han derrumbado toda objeción y oposición pura del mundo Nunca se nos dará una prueba que no podamos soportar y Dios sólo permite estas cosas difíciles porque Él sabe cómo nos va a moldear para ser lo que necesitamos ser y para obtener el potencial divino que podemos lograr. Pero lo más importante, que sé que todo esto es real y verdadero. No puedo negarlo aún a pesar de toda tentación o de nada ni nadie a que he sido expuesta. ESTE EVANGELIO ES-REAL Y VERDADERO. JESUS ​​EL CRISTO ES NUESTRO REDENTOR- nuestro Salvador, y la Expiación es real.

Este ha sido el mejor viaje de mi vida hasta ahora, y estoy muy agradecida por cada uno de ustedes y de todo lo que han hecho para apoyarme a través de él (:

Les veré a todos en 3 días.

Con Todo mi amor,

Hermana Robles


I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I HAVE KEPT THE FAITH.

Mon 12/14/2015 3:55 PM


This is not real, at all.


I have been so spoiled this past week by our members, and it's going to basically be that way this next week.

My schedule the next 3 days?


Road trip with President and Sister Dymock to North Spokane for Specialized Training since I'll be missing the one they're doing in my zone.

We then have literally appointments each half hour from 5-7pm. I'm so stoked. My Exit Interview is included that day.

Wednesday: More appointments, and I'm really excited to be able to just teach. We have a dinner appointment and caroling.

Thursday: My last Weekly Planning session of the mission, weighing my luggage, and I'm dropped off at the mission home as soon as 5 pm hits.

The rest? No se, pero! I do know I'll be at the Spokane airport bright and early Friday morning. Then I'll see you guys at like 12 something Utah time?

Well, that's weird. 

Enough of that though!


I gave my last talk at sacrament meeting in the branch yesterday. It went really well. I almost forgot that I inherited the ability to speak in public without my cheeks burning up too much.

I love the 4th branch so much! They played such a major role in my mission, and have helped me identify how I want my future family to be due to their examples. They hold a special place in my heart. All of my areas have.


Well, it's been one heck of a mission!

The greatest joy and best decision I've made with my life thus far. There really is nothing like devoting all your time, heart, might, and mind to the Lord for 18 months.

I've come to love the people of Spokane and literally everything about this place! 

Just like it was so weird in the beginning looking out and seeing Evergreen trees and no Rocky Mountains, it'll be weird to have the opposite thing occur.


I know that all the decisions I've made out here and everything I've endured through are what's going to help shape not just my future, but my future family's future. 

Just for serving the Lord and devoting all of me to Him, He's really blessed me.


In the words of Paul recorded in 2 Timothy 4:

2: Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

5: But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an Evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

6: For I am ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.

7: I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I HAVE KEPT THE FAITH.

17: Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by the preaching might be fully known and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion."


The race of discipleship is a marathon that feels like a journey, and I am so excited to continue on that path of discipleship. Even though my 18 month "marathon" has come to an end, but I'm so stoked to continue the marathon that'll last an eternity. I'm so happy that missionary work is an eternal thing! I knew happiness would last forever!


I'm so honored to say I've endure well. I've helped others come unto Christ and allow Him to mold them. I have been refined, and borne witness of this gospel, it's truth and the divinity of God the Father and his son Jesus Christ when objections and pure opposition from the world have caved in. We will never be given a trial we cannot endure and God only allows these hard things because He knows how it'll mold us to be who we need to and to obtain the divine potential we can achieve. But most importantly, that I KNOW this is all real and so true. I cannot deny it despite all the Anti or temptations anyone or anything has given me. THIS GOSPEL IS REAL-TRUE. JESUS THE CHRIST IS OUR REDEEMER- OUR SAVIOR, AND THE ATONEMENT IS REAL.


This has been the best journey of my life thus far, and I am so grateful for each of you and all that you have done to support me through it (:


I'll see you all in 3 days.


Con todo mi amor,


Hermana Robles 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Last Full Week of the Marathon.

Wed 12/9/2015 2:28 PM

Well, the past week and 2 days has been a crazy, filled one.
This whole "going home" business really hasn't sunk in. 

I mean, we're down to single digits here! 9 days isn't enough to soak in the fact that this chapter in my life as a missionary has concluded. At least in the field. 


I was at the temple this morning with some of the greatest friends I've made out here, and to know they all came to support me has meant a ton.

Truthfully, I've been ridiculously stressed out this past week, because I just want to get all I possibly can done and feel good about my efforts by Thursday night when I go into the mission home. The nice thing about the temple was the fact that it totally helped relieve my stress. Such a blessing.


So much has happened this last week.

I've had a lot of "lasts" this past week.

Last: MLC, exchanges, Zone training, fast Sunday, and yeah.


Okay, James is going to the temple today to do baptisms for the first time, and i get to be there! I basically get to go to the temple twice today. I'm super stoked for him! I didn't expect to, so I'm stoked. We went to lunch with him and Paige out here in the valley, and we showed him the new Christmas video- A Savior is Born. 

Well, gotta go!

See you all next week!!


Con amor,


Hermana Robles


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Let It Snow.

Mon 11/30/2015 4:39 PM

We had a great past week.
Great Thanksgiving !!!

We went to 3 different dinner appointments, and we were super stuffed. 


We fed the homeless, and it was rewarding. I got to use my "creative skills" and help with decorations and what not, so I enjoyed that.

We were with the Gowers, Wibergs, and Byers families. They're the best.

I felt so gross, and I didn't even eat that much! 

So much for "2 weeks to slim", right? 

I totally think going home around the holiday season is the worst time to lose weight.


Before I forget, 

We'll be going to the temple next Wednesday, so my P-day will be next Wednesday. But if you don't hear from me at all anymore, meh. You'll see me in 2 weeks anyway, so.. (;


I think President Dymock might be more excited about me going home and "starting my life" or something because when I spoke to him last week, the first thing he said was, "3 more weeks, but who's counting?" He cracks me up so much! He's such a great mission President. He's been preparing me a ton for the new transition, so I owe him so much for it. Today's his birthday, so yeah. We threw him a little surprise party this last Saturday, and we sang for him as a zone. It was so adorable.


My email will be awfully structured, so I apologize in advance.


So James is totally baptized! 

I'm super stoked and content for him!

He's so content. It's weird, because the day of his baptism, I felt this strong impression where I needed to text him a few scriptures, so I did, and he told me it was exactly what he needed in that moment because he was having such a hard day. Possibly the hardest day of his journey in investigating the church and becoming a member.

I explained to him that Satan was going to rage so hard on him and get him to second guess everything especially because he was doing something so correct and something that would fulfil his life forever and bring him so much happiness! It was cool to be able to follow the Spirit and tell him what he needed at that precise moment.

Sister Ellis got to attend his baptism, so she told me it was PACKED. Super exciting. It's so awesome that he's finally a member of the church!

We got 6 new investigators this last week, which is exciting. 

 This upcoming week will be rather busy, and same with the next upcoming weeks. It's going to go by so fast ): 

Sister Brown and I are singing at the Stake Christmas concert on the 12th. My voice is going to kill everyone's ears, so I'm stoked about that.


I have my last MLC meeting tomorrow, so I'm pretty bummed about that.

 We've been jamming to It Came Upon A Midnight Clear by Josh Groban all week. I literally have it on replay, because I can, and I love it. It's also the song we're performing.

 Well, that's all I really have for you this week. Sorry.

Can't believe it's already December! 

Love you all! Nos vemos super pronto!

Con amor,


Hermana Robles