Tuesday 6/24/2014
Day 1 at the MTC was stressful. I felt so lost, and yet so loved.I met my comp, Hna Anderson, and we instantly got along. I love her so much. She's the sister I've always wanted. She's from Virginia, going to the Dominican Republic. She took 4 years of Spanish in High school, and is at the advanced level of Spanish here with me and the other native speakers. Did I mention she's a gringa?? YEAH. She's so wise, and helps me so much. i do the same in return for her. My thoughts are all over the place right now, and I promise I'll get better at this email stuff. Anyway, it's weird having to have someone around so much. I sometimes forget her, and leave her behind to talk to other missionaries, but i remember. Ain't no thang. We're doing better at this companionship stuff. We have heart to hearts, and she comforts me when I'm bummed. I had a serious breakdown Sunday night. We had a Devotional and Janice Kapp Perry spoke along with her husband. She's the one who composed the Primary hymns, and some Hymns. we sang the Army of Helaman song, which reminded me of mom, and I lost it. couldn't stop crying. Super embarrassing. She spoke about a missionary who missed his dog. Reminded me of Spark, and I bawled.. again. The spirit was so strong. Us singing hymns as missionaries sure invites it in, and it hit me how much i miss you all. Hna Anderson saw my distress, and hugged me until I finished and told me it'd all be okay.We have been called as sister trainin leaders Day 2. It's Zone Leaders, but they call it something else for sister missionaries. We get to be "moms" to all the new 27 missionaries coming into our zone tomorrow. We're excited.In our district, we only have 4 hnas. Hna Anderson, Vargas, Avila y yo.
Everything's great! I love it here sooooo much. Being a missionary is the greatest. We went to the temple with my zone today, and it was simply a highlight to my day.I love my comp. We get along so well. I'm so blessed to have her. We're seriously sisters.
. I've felt the Spirit so strong here, and I love it. We also have tons of fun here. All the missionaries are so close. Also, Elder D Todd Christofferson and the apostles are coming tonight for a huge devotional. i hear the prophet's coming too!Love you, take care!Con amor,Hermana Robles